Free delivery!
For all orders within the Mahidol Salaya Campus Area!
Special Price!!
Our online customers receive a 10% discount on all products. Cheaper than the front store shop!
Suthera Thai Coconut Rolls: 90 Baht per box: now only 81 Baht (save 10%)
Suthera Thai Coconut Rolls: 95 Baht per box: now only 85.5 Baht (save 10%)
Shipping fee (please ask for international shipping rates!) :
1-3 Boxes = 50 Baht
4-7 Boxes = 65 Baht
8-9 Boxes = 80 Baht
10 boxes or more = Free shipping!!
For more information, please contact:
or post a message through this blog
or talk to us at:
How to order by e-mail:
- Send an order e-mail to
- In the e-mail, write the following informations:
First name
Last name
Shipping address
Telephone number (We will call you to confirm the order)
Product codes (as seen on the blog) and quantity of each product
After receiving your order, we will send you an invoice which includes payment information.
We ship immediately after payment confirmation.
Mail Order example:
Name ______ Last Name _______
Address ____________________
Tel. ___________
1. Product code ______ Quantity _____
2. Product code ______ Quantity _____
3. Product code ______ Quantity _____